003274/Revision 2.4 @2019 Control Data Systems Page 87
Figure 6.2.22 Tracking Response window (ISA 100)
Given the large number of commands generated automatically by the system at regular intervals, these
commands are hidden by default. To view them, check the
Show system generated commands
option in
dialog and click
The total number of items in the table is indicated in the top left corner of the table. Here you can set
the number of items to be displayed per page in the table. The default number of items displayed in a
page is 10. Paging controls in the top right corner of the table also enable you to navigate through the
other pages of the table.
From this page you can also save the search results into a Microsoft Excel CSV file, by clicking
The Alerts page enables you to view alarms and events generated by devices.
Alerts consist in application messages that advise or warn the recipient of the presence of an impending
or existing situation of interest.
In the following screen capture (
Figure 6.2.23
) is shown the Alerts window: