003274/Revision 2.4 @2019 Control Data Systems Page 99
Figure 6.3.4 System Manager configuration window (ISA 100)
In the General
section, you must perform the following action:
Specify the
On hover over an edit box a tooltip will appear, indicating the allowed format and range.
: If you change this setting, you must restart the SM in order the new setting to take effect.
In the
Operational Settings
section, you must perform the following actions:
fill in the input fields with the desired/appropriate values; the following default values are
used by the System Manager when no value is present in the field:
Max Device Number
– 100 maximum number of devices that are allowed in the system;
Max Desired Latency
– 0 maximum desired latency (percentage of publication
period). Values in percentage of the publication period apply on each periodic contract.
Default value of 0 means that the latency is limited only by the value from contract.
Publication contracts request, with a latency required below this value will not be
allocated with the requested latency (from contract) and will be allocated with the
supplied value from settings. Each contract when is requested can specify a desired
latency. The contract latency will be used by apply minimum between contract specified
latency and
Max Desired Latency
settings. The
Max Desired Latency
is a global latency
that can be applied on all contracts;
Device Timeout Interval (s)
– 120 seconds, integer in range [60-65535]; timeout in
seconds used by SM to detect that a device is down;