Performance GatewayPro for protocol conversion or web-based configuration
The SureCross
wireless system is a radio frequency network with integrated I/O
that can operate in most environments and eliminate the need for wiring runs. Wire-
less networks are formed around a Gateway, which acts as the wireless network mas-
ter device, and one or more Nodes.
• Selectable transmit power levels of 250 mW or 1 Watt and license-free operation
up to 4 watt EIRP, with a high-gain antenna, in the U.S. and Canada for 900 MHz
• 10 to 30V dc power input
• Modbus serial interface and Ethernet interface
• Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technology and Time Division Mul-
tiple Access (TDMA) control architecture ensure reliable data delivery within the
unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band
• Transceivers provide bidirectional communication between the Gateway and
Node, including fully acknowledged data transmission
• Site Survey analyzes the network’s signal strength and reliability and displays the
results on the Gateway's LCD
• Lost RF links are detected and relevant outputs set to user-defined conditions
For additional information, the most recent version of all documentation, and a complete list of accessories, refer to Banner Engineering's
+10 to 30V dc
900 MHz ISM Band
Modbus/TCP or EtherNet/IP communication protocol
Modbus/TCP protocol (Configuration capability using the Web Configu-
WARNING: Not To Be Used for Personnel Protection
Never use this product as a sensing device for personnel protection. Doing so could lead to seri-
ous injury or death. This product does NOT include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to
allow its use in personnel safety applications. A sensor failure or malfunction can cause either an ener-
gized or de-energized sensor output condition.
Important: Never Operate 1 Watt Radios Without Antennas.
To avoid damaging the radio circuitry, never power up SureCross Performance or SureCross MultiHop (1
Watt) radios without an antenna.
The SureCross
Performance Wireless Network
The SureCross
Performance wireless I/O network provides reliable monitoring without the burden of wiring or conduit installation. The
SureCross wireless network can operate independently or in conjunction with a host system, PLC, and/or PC software.
Each wireless network system consists of one Gateway and one or more Nodes. Devices ship with factory defined inputs and outputs
that may be all discrete, all analog, or a mix of discrete and analog I/O.
SureCross Performance GatewayPro
P/N 157639 Rev. B
0 157639