Fiber Active Cabinet (FAC) 3200
Installation Manual
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Manual 020421 REV A - Jan 2019
Preparing the Cabinet for Installation
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Complete the following preparations before installing the cabinet.
To prepare the cabinet for installation
Open the front, rear, and splice compartment doors.
Remove the battery compartment door.
In the splice compartment, remove the AC duct cover (two panels) as follows:
Loosen (but do not remove) the mounting screws securing the duct cover panels to the fixture.
Slide the upper panel sideways to align its two keyholes with the two mounting screws. When aligned, pull
the panel away from the fixture.
Slide the lower panel sideways to align its two keyholes with the two mounting screws. When aligned, pull
the panel away from the fixture.
From the battery compartment, remove the box containing the installation kit and set it aside for use during
From the rear compartment, remove the isolation mat and set it aside for use with pad-mount installations.
The isolation mat is not required for pole or wall-mount installations.
Close the front and rear compartment doors. Leave the splice and battery compartments open.
Remove the four bolts securing the cabinet to the pallet. The bolts are located at the bottom corners of the
cabinet (two in the splice compartment, two in the battery compartment).
When the tasks above are complete, the cabinet is ready for installation.
If you are using the optional second-string battery riser, install the cabinet on the riser before continuing. See Install-
ing a Battery Compartment Riser for instructions.