Fiber Active Cabinet (FAC) 3200
Installation Manual
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Manual 020421 REV A - Jan 2019
Constructing a Concrete Pad
A concrete pad provides a permanent foundation to anchor the cabinet to the ground while protecting the cabinet from water
damage and other outdoor surface conditions.
Construct a concrete foundation pad for the cabinet at the installation site. Pad construction requires excavating the site,
trenching cable conduit, constructing a form, and casting concrete. Use the Clearfield-supplied cast-in-place template to
provide exact locations for the mounting studs that anchor the cabinet to the pad and to provide the cable conduit locations.
Pad Construction Guidelines
When constructing a concrete pad, observe the following guidelines and refer to the pad drawings for guidance.
Follow these guidelines to ensure proper pad construction. Adjust for local conditions or practices as required.
• Construct the pad with minimum perimeter dimensions of 72 x 88 inches.
• Construct the pad with a minimum height of 6 inches.
• Construct the pad with a maximum of 2 inches above-grade exposure.
Use the Clearfield cast-in-place template to provide exact mounting stud and conduit locations.
• Use rebar or wire mesh inside the form to improve pad strength.
• Cast the pad from a single concrete pour. Do not make multiple pours.
• Use 4-inch conduit (maximum) for outside plant cables. See drawing below for entry locations.
• Use 2-inch conduit (maximum) for AC cable. See drawing below for entry location.
• Include pull cords in all cable conduits.