Fiber Active Cabinet (FAC) 3200
Installation Manual
Direct: 763.476.6866 • National: 800.422.2537 • www.SeeClearfield.com • [email protected]
Manual 020421 REV A - Jan 2019
Step 1:
Step 2:
Replacing Fuses
Fuses protect the power circuits for the heat exchangers and optional equipment. The fuses are located on the DC
distribution panel.
Circuit Type
Fuse Rating
Fuse Type
Heat exchanger
5 Amp
Optional Equipment*
5 to 15 Amp
To replace a fuse
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
At the rectifier shelf, open the fuse panel door and identify the defective fuse.
Remove the defective fuse from the fuse panel position.
Replace the fuse with a fuse of the same rating and type.
If the fuse fails again do not replace it. Troubleshoot to find the cause of the failure.
Replacing Rectifier Modules (for optional Valere Rectifier)
If a Valere rectifier module experiences a failure in the field, or if you are converting from 20A to 30A rectifier modules (or
vice versa), you can replace the module(s) in the field. Rectifier modules are hot-swappable and can be replaced without
disconnecting power to the Valere shelf.
If the Valere shelf is not equipped with a redundant rectifier module, and the load is heavy, Clearfield recommends
temporarily installing an additional module into the shelf to carry the load while you replace the failed module.
To replace a Valere rectifier module
Remove an installed rectifier module as follows:
Press the tab on the lower left of the face plate to release the ejector lever.
Pull forward on the ejector lever to unseat the module.
Grasp the module and slide it out of its slot. Set the module aside.
Install a new rectifier module as follows: