Clean the external parts of a spraying machine after
every spraying session. Certain insecticides used in fly
control are corrosive to metals, may attack plastics,
or both. For example, Malathion quickly softens many
plastics. Vegetable oils, which are used to dilute some
insecticides, will become gummy and cause plastics
to soften or swell. Therefore, many problems can be
prevented by proper cleaning and care of the spray unit.
This includes proper flushing of the system, including the
sleeve assembly.
By the end of a spray season, there will have been a
certain amount of UV (sunlight) degradation of
insecticide lines and a residual chemical build-up inside
the fittings. An especially thorough cleaning should be
performed prior to extended storage such as over the
winter. Empty and clean the insecticide tank. Then pump
12-15 oz./min. (360-450 ml./min.) of Pro-Flush solvent
from that tank and through the system for a minute
or two.
Pro-Flush will flush insecticides, oils and moisture. After
flushing, operate the sleeve assembly at spraying speed
for several minutes. Finish by allowing the sleeve to spin
after moving the inlet line to the “Park and Purge” fitting
located on the upper half of the battery side of the
machine; this will allow the lines to empty and the
sleeve to spin dry.
Pro-Flush will protect the system for extended periods
and will leave a bit of lubricant in the pump and valve so
that they won’t seize during storage.
For protection during very long or severe conditions
remove the insecticide line from the spray head, then
pump one cup of light petroleum oil, such as Bio-Blend
8, through the system until the insecticide pump is filled.
In short,
fill the insecticide system, but not the
spray head, with oil.
The oil will prevent valve and
pump parts from drying out and seizing. Displace any
water that may be present and keep the tubing soft.
The inline strainer filter needs to be cleaned on a
regular basis. Similar to the sleeve, the size and amount
of particulates from the formula determine how often
the filter needs to be cleaned. Remove the bowl and
then clean the bowl and the stainless steel strainer
with mild detergent or degreaser. Make sure the seal
is properly positioned before reinstalling.