Error Codes — Err 1
Check 1a
For an over voltage error
, verify charging system is
not producing spikes of voltage higher than 15.2 volts.
This may also cause fluctuations in motor speed,
making it difficult to hold the rpm set point to within
the machine’s set limits.
For an under voltage error,
verify battery condition
and vehicle charging system is sufficient for the power
requirements of the machine.
For an over temp warning
, allow unit to cool. Upon
cooling, if machine functions, document conditions
resulting in fault, e.g. Speed, Ambient Temperature,
Dispensing Rate, DC Amps and contact Clarke
technical service for assistance.
For a fail to start no rpm error
, rotate the spray
head carefully by hand; if it feels smooth and free
of excessive drag, make note of condition and verify
all electrical connections.
For an over temp error
, allow unit to cool. Upon
cooling, if machine functions, document conditions
resulting in fault, e.g. Speed, Ambient Temperature,
Dispensing Rate, DC Amp, and contact Clarke
technical service for assistance.
For a frequency reset error
, restart system and
make note of behavior, contact Clarke technical
service for assistance.
For an internal reset fault
, restart system and monitor
performance and supply voltage; this can occur during
normal operation.