Configuring the Network
Cisco SRP500 Series Services Ready Platforms Administration Guide (SRP520 Models)
Click Submit to save your settings.
Use the IGMP page to configure settings for the Internet Group Management
Protocol (IGMP) protocol. IGMP is a signaling protocol that supports IP multicasting
for IPTV. For example, use IGMP if you have Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) with
multiple setup boxes on the same local network that have different video streams
running simultaneously.
To use this feature, select Enabled. To disable DMZ
hosting, select Disabled.
Source IP Address
If you want any IP address to be the source, select Any
IP Address. If you want to specify an IP address or range
of IP addresses as the designated source, click the
second radio button, and enter the IP address(es) in the
fields provided.
To specify the DMZ host by IP address, select IP
Address and complete the IP address in the field
provided. If you want to specify the DMZ host by MAC
address, select MAC Address and enter the MAC
address in the field provided. To retrieve this
information, click the DHCP Client Table button.
Show DHCP Client
The DHCP Client Table lists computers and other
devices that have been assigned IP addresses by the
Router. The list can be sorted by Client Name, Interface,
IP Address, MAC Address, and Expired Time (how much
time is left for the current IP address). To select a DHCP
client, click the Select button. To retrieve the most up-to-
date information.