Viewing the Services Ready Platforms Status
QoS Status
Cisco SRP500 Series Services Ready Platforms Administration Guide (SRP520 Models)
QoS Status
Use the QoS Status page to view traffic queuing statistics. The SRP supports 5
queues: One strict queue and four weighted round robin queues.
> QoS
QoS Status
Queue Name
Lists the five queues used by the SRP.
Config Rate
The nominal amount of traffic that each queue can han-
dle under balanced and loaded conditions. Note that
bandwidth not used by a queue may be used by any
other, implying that the configured queuing bandwidth
may be exceeded.
Allow Maximum
The maximum permitted traffic rate in Kbps for each
queue. Weighted Round Robin queues are allowed to
use all of the shaped bandwidth, whereas Priority
Queue traffic is limited to 70% of the total to ensure reli-
able handling of real time media.
Send (bytes)
The number of bytes sent from this queue.
Send (pkts)
The number of packets sent from this queue.
The number of packets dropped when total traffic rate
exceeds Allow Maximum rate.
The number of packets that have been dropped when
traffic rate is higher than the Allow Maximum rate.
If a packet cannot be sent, it is put back into the original
queue allowing another attempt. This event increases
the Requeue counter.
Current Rate (bps)
Current throughput rate for this queue in bits per sec-