Configuring Secure SRST for SCCP and SIP
How to Configure Secure Unified SRST
Cisco Unified SCCP and SIP SRST System Administrator Guide
Command or Action
Step 1
show ephone
show ephone
ephone-1 Mac:1000.1111.0002 TCP socket:[5]
activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 5
+ Authenti Encryption with TLS connection
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0
reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 32626 7970 keepalive 390 max_line 8
button 1: dn 14 number 2002 CM Fallback CH1 IDLE
ephone-2 Mac:1000.1111.000B TCP socket:[12]
activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver
5 + Authenti Encryption with TLS connection
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0
reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 32718 7970 keepalive 390 max_line 8
button 1: dn 21 number 2011 CM Fallback CH1 IDLE
ephone-3 Mac:1000.1111.000A TCP socket:[16]
activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver
5 + Authenti Encryption with TLS connection
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0
reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 32862 7970 keepalive 390 max_line 8
button 1: dn 2 number 2010 CM Fallback CH1 IDLE
Use this command to display registered Cisco
Unified IP Phones and their capabilities. The
command also displays authentication and
encryption status when used for secure SCCP SRST.
In this example, authentication and encryption status
is active with a TLS connection.
Step 2
show ephone offhook
Router# show ephone offhook
ephone-1 Mac:1000.1111.0002 TCP socket:[5]
activeLine:1 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 5
+ Authenti Encryption with TLS connection
mediaActive:1 offhook:1 ringing:0 reset:0
reset_sent:0 paging 0
IP: 32626 7970 keepalive 391 max_line 8
button 1: dn 14 number 2002 CM Fallback CH1
Active Secure Call on DN 14 chan 1 :2002
29632 to 25616 via
G711Ulaw64k 160 bytes no vad
Tx Pkts 295 bytes 49468 Rx Pkts 277 bytes 46531 Lost
Jitter 0 Latency 0 callingDn 22 calledDn -1
ephone-2 Mac:1000.1111.000B TCP socket:[12]
activeLine:1 REGISTERED in SCCP ver
5 + Authenti Encryption with TLS connection
mediaActive:1 offhook:1 ringing:0 reset:0
reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 32718 7970 keepalive 391 max_line 8
Use this command to display Cisco IP Phone status
and quality for all phones that are off hook. In this
example, authentication and encryption status is
active with a TLS connection, and there is an active
secure call.