Understanding Phrase Files and Using V-Edit
Using Rhetorex V-Edit
Octel 50 Installation Guide
Saving and Assigning Display Settings
Use the following procedures to store the active phrase’s current range, scale, and cursor
settings as a tag and then assign it to phrases. Four different display settings can be
saved at one time.
The tags you set are only available while the current phrase is open. Once you clear the
phrase, the tags are cleared.
To save the active phrase’s display settings as a tag:
1. Set the range, scale, and cursors to the settings you want to save. See the topics,
“Selecting a Segment of a Phrase” and “Modifying the Display Scale,” earlier in this
2. From the Main menu, press <T>.
3. When prompted, enter a tag for the display settings, from A-D. If the tag currently
exists, you are prompted to overwrite it. Press <Y> to overwrite the existing display
settings of that tag or <N> to cancel.
To assign a defined tag to the active phrase:
1. From the Main menu or the Cursor menu, press <J>.
2. When prompted, enter the tag for the group of display settings, from A-D, you want to
assign to the phrase in the foreground. The display of the active phrase changes to
reflect the selected tag.
Deleting Phrases or Segments of Phrases
Use the following procedures to delete entire phrases or segments of phrases. The
deleted phrase or segment is placed in the buffer, which provides temporary storage for
phrases or segments of phrases. The current contents of the buffer can be pasted into a
new or existing phrase. Each time you delete or copy a phrase or phrase segment to the
buffer, the current contents of the buffer is overwritten.
To delete an entire phrase:
1. Complete steps 1 and 2 of Reviewing an Existing Phrase. The selected phrase
displays in the foreground.
2. From the Main menu, press <D>. The entire phrase is deleted.
3. From the Main menu, press <W>.
4. Enter the name of the current phrase, then press <ENTER>.
5. When prompted to overwrite, press <Y>. The file is saved as an empty phrase.
To delete a segment of a phrase:
1. Complete the procedure, “Selecting a Segment of a Phrase,” earlier in this chapter to
select the segment you want to delete.
2. From the Main menu, press <D> to delete the segment of the phrase between the
3. From the Main menu, press <W>.