Understanding Phrase Files and Using V-Edit
SO3-ALL.VAP and SO3-ALL.VOX Phrase Files
Octel 50 Installation Guide
127 “...in the queue.”
128 “When you are finished, press pound.”
129 “Enter the next mailbox number.”
130 “Or to return to the message menu, press pound.”
136 “Or to return to the Main menu, press pound.”
138 “...off.”
175 “Enter the destination mailbox number.”
176 “You have exceeded the maximum number of errors permitted on this system.”
177 “Message to be sent to...<mailbox owner’s name prompt>.”
195 “I’m sorry, there has been a recording error. Please try again later.”
202 “Thank you, good-bye.”
204 “Please enter the extension number of the person you would like to speak with.”
205 “If you do not know the extension number, press the star button for directory
206 “<mailbox>...is an invalid extension number.”
207 “Please hold while your call is being transferred.”
208 “I’m sorry, but that extension is busy right now.”
209 “To try another extension, press 1.”
210 “I’m sorry, but there is no answer at that extension.”
211 “To be transferred to our receptionist, press 3.”
212 “Please speak your name at the tone, so that I may say who is calling.”
213 “You have a call from...<name>.”
223 “There is a call for ...<name>.”
227 “For an alphabetical directory, press pound.”
228 “Enter the first few letters of the last name of the person you are calling.”
230 “I’m sorry, there is no one with that last name in the directory.”
231 “I’m sorry, but there is no directory recording for that mailbox.”
232 “Use the 1 button for q and z.”
233 “Or press the star button for a complete directory.”
238 “...private.”
239 “This message is marked...”
243 “For a directory, press star star.”
252 “To leave a voice mail message, press 2.”
253 “Or to try the extension again, press 3.”