Asentria SiteBoss 571 UserManual
Page 85
Tank Shape
The Shape toggles between LINEAR, HORIZ CYL, VERT OVAL, and CUSTOM to set the shape of the fuel tank.
The default value is LINEAR.
Tank Height
This field sets the height of the tank, from the TANK EMPTY point to the TANK FULL point, in the specified
distance unit. This is a floating-point value with range of 0.0 to 1000. The default value is 100.
Tank Dimension A
This field sets tank dimension measurement A for certain tank profiles, in the specified distance unit. For VERT
OVAL this is the horizontal length of the tank. This is a floating-point value with range of 0.0 to 1000. The default
value is 0.0.
Tank Dimension B
This field sets tank dimension measurement B for certain tank profiles, in the specified distance unit. For VERT
OVAL this is the width of the tank. This is a floating-point value with range of 0.0 to 1000. The default value is 0.0.
Tank Volume
This field sets the number of volume units the tank contains when full. Range is 0 to 2,147,483,647. The default
value is 200.0.
Volume Unit
This field sets the name of the unit representing fluid volume in the tank. This is only used for display purposes and
it does not affect the volume calculation in any way. The default value is "Liters”.
Input Filter Averaging
This option sets the number of samples used to filter the analog input value that is used for the tank volume
calculation. The filtering is applied after the adjusted raw value. Range is 1 to 300; default is 1 (no filtering).
Custom Tank Settings
When CUSTOM is selected for tank shape, the system uses user-provided data to calculate the volume of fluid in
the tank. The data is entered into a table of height/volume pairs, where a fluid height and corresponding tank
volume are entered. Up to 32 height/volume pairs can be entered.
Volume Event Settings
This menu is used for configuring alarm notifications based on changes in the fuel level.
SiteBoss 571 - Volume Event Settings for Fuel Sensor 1
A) Event Enabled [OFF]
B) Deadband [6.0]
C) Very High Event Settings [180.0] [] [519] [Info]
D) High Event Settings [160.0] [] [519] [Info]
E) Return to Normal Settings [-] [] [519] [Info]
F) Low Event Settings [40.0] [] [519] [Info]
G) Very Low Event Settings [20.0] [] [519] [Info]
Event Enable
This is an ON/OFF toggle to enable Volume Events. The default setting is OFF.
The Deadband sets a range (in volume units) on either side of a fuel volume setting that prevents the event from
repeatedly going in and out of the "alarm state" as the actual fuel volume fluctuates above and below the setting.
The default value is 6.0.
Very High / High / Return to Normal / Low / Very Low Event Volume
These options display submenus where the event action settings can be configured for each event level.