Table of contents
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM002F-EN-P - February 2018
Establish the reference frame for a Delta Two-dimensional robot ....................97
Identify the work envelope for a Delta Two-Dimensional robot .......................98
Define configuration parameters for a Delta Two-dimensional robot .............99
Link Lengths for Delta Two-dimensional robot .................................................. 100
End-Effector Offsets for Delta Two-dimensional robot.................................... 101
Establish the reference frame for a SCARA Delta robot ................................... 103
Identify the work envelope for a SCARA Delta robot ....................................... 104
Define configuration parameters for a SCARA Delta robot ............................ 105
End Effector Offset for SCARA Delta Robot ...................................................... 105
Configure a Delta robot with a Negative X1b offset .......................................... 106
Establish the reference frame for a SCARA Independent robot ..................... 107
Identify the work envelope for a SCARA Independent robot ......................... 109
Define configuration parameters for a SCARA Independent robot .............. 109
Link lengths for SCARA Independent robot........................................................ 110
Establish the reference frame for a Cartesian Gantry robot .............................. 111
Identify the work envelope for a Cartesian Gantry robot.................................. 111
Define configuration parameters for a Cartesian Gantry robot ...................... 111
Establish the reference frame for a Cartesian H-bot ........................................... 113
Identify the work envelope for a Cartesian H-bot ............................................... 113
Define configuration parameters for a Cartesian H-bot robot ........................ 113