Cartesian coordinate system
Chapter 2
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM002F-EN-P - February 2018
CommandToleranceLinear for specifying start orientation.
Instead, orientation blending is planned to coincide with
The blended linear trajectory path dynamics, if such a component exists, or
100%/50% rules are used to blend the orientation move over the full length of
the path move when a linear component does not exist.
In the second case where there is only an orientation component involved in the blend, the
planner reserves 100% of the path length for the first and last moves in a series of blended
moves. For the blended moves other than first and last, 50% of the path length is reserved
for blending.
In the example shown, MCPM1 is a TT6 orientation-only move with a queued MCPM2 TT6
orientation-only move. The MCPM1 move is a starting move, but end move is unknown,
therefore 50% of the move length is reserved for blending.
See also
Use MCPM blending with orientation to synchronize Cartesian path and
orientation motion
The following is an example for using MCPM blending with orientation to
synchronize Cartesian path (CP) and orientation motion.
This example shows a robot system using three MCPM instructions to execute a
picking trajectory in a pick and place application. The application has the
following requirements:
First move: vertical (Z) move to 300 millimeter height.
Use MCPM blending with
orientation to synchronize
Cartesian path and orientation