Chapter 4
Geometries with orientation support
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM002F-EN-P - February 2018
Example Start Region
End Region
Mirror flip
Mirror flip
Starting orientation [Rx=0, Ry=(-78), Rz=180] with MCPM move to orientation [Rx=0, Ry=78, Rz=180].
The resultant move takes the longest rotary path move to avoid travel through 0 in the Mirror flip region, or +204
on Ry (-204 for J5).
Shortest rotary path move for Ry is not allowed in the Mirror flip region.
This is a very specific case involving a move from home position [Rx=180, Ry=0] to absolute position [Rx=0, Ry=0]. This
move is not allowed due to ambiguity of the direction of travel (either positive or negative direction would be correct, yet
indeterminate from the absolute orientation specified).
An incremental Ry move of distance 180 is allowed here - the direction of the move is explicitly specified by the
sign of the distance parameter.
Mirror flip
Mirror flip
Shortest rotary path move for Ry is not allowed in the Mirror flip region. Example 4 shows how such a move is planned.
Incremental moves are not limited like absolute moves are. However, such incremental Ry moves will encounter
transformation error when attempting to cross zero degrees (J5 = +/- 180 ) in the Mirror flip region.
See also
Mirror orientation restrictions
Use the MCTO instruction to establish a bidirectional transform between
Cartesian and robot system with coordinates that are joint axes of a robot.
The Cartesian system coordinates are defined by XYZ translation coordinates and
RxRyRz orientation coordinates in the fixed angle convention.
Configure and program
turns counters