Geometries with orientation support
Chapter 4
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM002F-EN-P - February 2018
Base Frame
- Located at the base of the robot (origin of the robot). End of
Arm (EOA) and work frames are measured from the robot’s base frame.
Refer to the robot geometry specific configuration manuals for establishing
the base coordinate system frame.
End of Arm Frame
- Located at the last link of the robot and measured
from the base frame. Refer to the robot geometry configuration manuals for
establishing the end of arm coordinate system frame.
Work Frame
- Used when the target positions are measured with respect to
a different coordinate frame other than the base coordinate frame of the
robot, such as conveyor, vision camera system, and pallets. Define this new
reference frame using the work frame offsets. All target positions are
measured from the work frames.
Tool Frame
- Associated with tools attached at the end of arm of a robot.
Define this new tool frame using the tool frame offsets. The tool center
point (TCP) is the origin of the tool frame. The Z axis of the tool frame is
pointing towards the tool approach vector. The end position of the robot
and its movements are always measured related to the TCP.
Target Frame
- Represents the various target positions or any object
positions programmed for the robot moves in Cartesian space. The target
frame is always specified relative to the work frame.