Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM002F-EN-P - February 2018
This manual provides information on how to configure various coordinated
motion applications. Use the following table to choose a motion coordinated
instruction. Information about the coordinate instructions can be found in the
Logix5000™ Controllers Motion Instruction Reference Manual, publication
If you want to
Use this instruction
Initiate a single or multi-dimensional linear coordinated move for the specified axes within a
Cartesian coordinate system.
Motion Coordinated Linear Move (MCLM)
Initiate a two- or three-dimensional circular coordinated move for the specified axes within a
Cartesian coordinate system.
Motion Coordinated Circular Move (MCCM)
Initiate a change in path dynamics for coordinate motion active on the specified coordinate
Motion Coordinated Change Dynamics (MCCD)
Stop the axes of a coordinate system or cancel a transform.
Motion Coordinated Stop (MCS)
Initiate a controlled shutdown of all of the axes of the specified coordinate system.
Motion Coordinated Shutdown (MCSD)
Start a transform that links two coordinate systems together.
Motion Coordinated Transform (MCT)
Start a transform that links to coordinate systems together. The MCTO instruction incorporates
translation and orientation in its position transformation.
Motion Coordinated Transform with Orientation (MCTO)
Calculate the position of one coordinate system with respect to another coordinate system.
Motion Calculate Transform Position (MCTP)
Calculate the position of a point in one coordinate system to the equivalent point in a second
coordinate system.
Motion Coordinated Transform Position with Orientation (MCTPO)
Initiate a reset of all of the axes of the specified coordinate system from the shutdown state to
the axis ready state and clear the axis faults.
Motion Coordinated Shutdown Reset (MCSR)
Start a single or multi-dimensional linear coordinated path move (CP) for the specified axes
within a Cartesian coordinate system.
Motion Coordinated Path Move (MCPM)
(1) Instruction cannot be used with SoftLogix™ controllers.
(2) Instruction only available for Compact GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix
5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix 5580
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Vendor Sample Projects.pdf
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