C o m m i ssion ing M anu al
E val u at i n g L i n k Q u al i t y
28.5. Generating Traffic to Measure Throughput
For measuring BER, RSSI (at the BSR), and throughput, you need to generate a
flood of traffic between the BSR and SPR. The following methods can be
implemented to generate traffic:
Iperf program:
You can use a third-party free firmware program such as
(free download at
), which generates a flood of UDP packets to
measure throughput. Using this program, a simple batch file can be made for the
client side (behind the SPR) and for the Base Station side (behind the BSR) to
ease the throughput measurement procedure.
An FTP session can be used to generate TCP packets to measure throughput.
Connect a PC to the SPR/IDR and run three to four simultaneous FTP sessions
to an FTP server that is physically connected to the BSR’s LAN port (e.g.
Microsoft IIS, and Linux FTP built-in servers). The few concurrent sessions
eliminate the Slow Start phenomenon (succinct explanation can be found in RFC
#2001). During the test, record the RSSI and BER levels for the BSR and
SPR/IDR. This information is useful to Airspan’s technical support team for
future diagnosis.
Airspan Networks Inc.