C o m m i ssion ing M anu al
E st ab l i sh i n g B S R - S P R L i n k w i t h Au t o C o n n ect
When implementing AutoConnect, ensure that all BSRs are either operating
as IP routers (and PPPoE bridges), or that all BSRs are operating as
transparent bridges.
2) When implementing AutoConnect, all ASWipLL devices must share the
same Management VLAN, Air Subnet address, management station, and
Get/Set Community string.
3) If you are implementing AutoConnect on existing ASWipLL devices, first
change the Air Subnet addresses on each SPR (using WipManage or
WipConfig). This will cause IP disconnection until you finally change the Air
Subnet of the BSR.
4) ASWipLL devices are generally supplied to the customer configured for
AutoConnect in their ROM. However, if this is not the case, you need to define
AutoConnect for each device using WipConfig.
5) When resetting devices to default, the NVRAM frequency tables are
6) For the BSR to establish a link with the SPR, ensure that the BSR and SPR
have identical ROM frequency tables.
Airspan Networks Inc.