C o m m i ssion ing M anu al
D ef i n i n g Q u al i t y o f S er vi ce
24-8: Flowchart for defining QoS for VoIP based on DiffServ/TOS tagging
24.3.2. Task 1: Define QoS for IP Addresses of SIP
Server and Softswitch
The VoIP packets in our example scenario either originate from or are destined to
two IP addresses, namely, the SIP server (for signaling packets) and the softswitch
(for voice data destined for and originating from the PSTN). Thus, to configure QoS
for VoIP for these devices, you need to assign these IP addresses QoS settings (i.e.
stamp and class).
You must configure these QoS settings at
both the BSR and SPR
to ensure QoS in
both the downlink and uplink. This procedure is similar for the BSR and SPR. The
main difference is that QoS for the BSR refers to the source IP address (i.e. traffic
from SPR) while the QoS for the SPR refers to the destination IP address (i.e. traffic
destined to BSR). Therefore, the procedure below describes the QoS setting for the
SPR. Simply perform the same at the BSR.
Airspan Networks Inc.