C o nf igu ri ng R adi o T r an smit P ow er
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
19.3.2. Task 1: Enable BSR Power Management for
For BSR to control the SPR's transmit power level, you need to enable BSR power
management. In addition, at the same time, you need to define the minimum
required RSS level of the SPR measured at the BSR. The BSR adjusts the SPR's
transmit power level according to the RSS level. In other words, if the RSS falls
below the user-defined level, BSR increases the SPR's power level, and vice versa.
To enable BSR power management of SPRs:
1. In the BSR Zoom window, from the MultiDevices menu, point to RF, and then
Power Settings
Check boxes
selected for
Desired SPR
RSS level
Check box
selected for
19-7: MultiDevice Power Settings dialog box
2. Click
Select All
to select all the SPRs.
Airspan Networks Inc.