E st abli shing BS R - SP R L in k w ith Au to Co nn ect
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
9. Click
The defined fixed SPR indexes (e.g. SPR indexes 2 to 43) are displayed below:
8-26: Added "fixed" SPR index icons (2 to 43) displayed in BSR Zoom window
The newly added SPRs are only added to the ASWipLL database when
you edit them (i.e. when you define the SPRs for Redirection).
8.3.4. Task 3: Add AutoConnect SPRs
Once you have defined "fixed" SPRs, you need to add a range of AutoConnect
icons for accepting newly installed, powered-on SPRs. The SPR icons are defined
with temporary IP addresses, which the BSR temporarily assigns the SPR devices
for communication and reconfiguration. The SPR devices should only AutoConnect
to BSRs that are in the same network.
Airspan Networks Inc.