I ni ti al Con fi gu r atio n
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
3.3.1. Summary of Tasks
To establish an IP network connection between your PC running WipConfig and the
ASWipLL device, you need to perform the following steps (see also Figure 3-17):
Define PC’s IP address, subnet, and default gateway
Connect WipConfig to the ASWipLL device
3-17: Flowchart for establishing a network connection between WipConfig
and ASWipLL devices
3.3.2. Task 1: Configure PC’s IP Subnet Address
To establish an IP network connection between your PC running WipConfig (or
WipManage) and the ASWipLL device, you need to configure your PC (i.e. PC’s
10/100 Ethernet card) with the same subnet address as the BSR and BSDU. In
addition, you need to define your PC’s default gateway with the BSR’s IP address,
or a router’s IP address if one exists behind the BSR.
Airspan Networks Inc.