M an ag ing Freq u en cy Tab l es
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
20.1.1. Considerations for Frequency Allocations
Certain considerations should be adhered to for frequency allocations for multiple
BSRs whose RF sectors may be adjacent, overlapping, or when using omni-
directional antennas. The considerations mentioned below are to prevent more than
one BSR transmitting on the same frequency at any given time, which may result in
radio interference that may cause loss of communication between BSR and its SPRs.
The considerations of frequency allocations for communication depends on the
operating frequency band type (i.e. licensed or unlicensed) and type of transmission
(i.e. FDD or TDD):
Licensed bands
(only one frequency is used, i.e. no hopping):
FDD: ensure minimum separation of 2 MHz, for example:
BSR #1 transmits on 3725 MHz
BSR #2 transmits on 3727 MHz
TDD: ensure minimum separation of 4 MHz, for example:
BSR #1 transmits on 3725 MHz
BSR #2 transmits on 3729 MHz
Unlicensed bands
(multiple orthogonal frequencies used for frequency
FDD: ensure minimum separation of 2 MHz
TDD: ensure minimum separation of 4 MHz
Airspan Networks Inc.