E st abli shing BS R - SP R L in k w ith Au to Co nn ect
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
8.4.3. Task 2: Add an AutoConnect SPR
Before you can reconfigure AutoConnect for the SPR, you need to add SPR indexes
for AutoConnect. The SPR devices should only AutoConnect to BSRs that are in the
same network.
For clarity, in our example, we will define AutoConnect SPR icons for BSR with IP
Ensure the WipManage PC IP address is defined in WipManage’s BSR
Managers Table.
To add a range of SPRs for AutoConnect:
1. In the BSR Zoom window, right-click an available undefined (i.e. grayed) SPR
index icon, and then from the shortcut menu, choose
Add Range Permitted
, as displayed below.
8-39: Choosing the Add Range Permitted SPRs command
Airspan Networks Inc.