E st abli shing BS R - SP R L in k w ith Au to Co nn ect
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
8.1. Overview
feature is a
feature that automatically
connects initially powered-on, unconfigured SPRs to BSRs. These SPRs
automatically connect to BSRs with the strongest RF signal. In addition, these SPRs
can then be redirected to different BSRs. The AutoConnect feature assigns newly
connected SPRs with temporary configuration parameters such as IP address, and, if
relevant, the BSR’s air MAC address to which the SPRs must connect (i.e.
of the SPRs to a different BSR).
You can configure the following AutoConnect features:
Repeating AutoConnect:
each time the SPR is reset or powered on, it connects
to a BSR with which it has the strongest RF signal.
AutoConnect with redirection:
SPR undergoes AutoConnect only once. This
occurs when it is first powered on or reset, whereby it connects to a BSR having
the strongest RF signal. However, once connected to this BSR, the SPR is then
redirected to connect to a specific BSR. Even if the SPR is later cold started or
reset, the SPR always connects to the specific BSR (i.e. does not undergo
AutoConnect again).
Redirecting previously redirected AutoConnect SPR:
SPR that was
redirected to a specific BSR after undergoing AutoConnect, is redirected again
to a different BSR. The SPR always remains connected to this new BSR.
Airspan Networks Inc.