C o m m i ssion ing M anu al
Ab o u t t h i s M an u al
Chapter 6, "
Changing Link from Router to Bridge Mode
": provides step-by-
step instructions for changing the communication link between the BSR/PPR
and SPR from IP routing mode to transparent bridging mode.
Chapter 7, "
Changing Link from Bridge to Router Mode
": provides step-by-
step instructions for changing the communication link between the BSR/PPR
and SPR from transparent bridging mode to IP routing mode.
Chapter 8, "
Establishing BSR-SPR Link with AutoConnect
": provides step-
by-step instructions for establishing communication link between the BSR and
SPR/IDR using the
AutoConnect feature.
Chapter 9, "
Configuring a Point-to-Point Radio Link
": provides step-by-step
instructions for establishing a point-to-point radio (PPR) link between the PPR
and SPR devices.
Chapter 10, "
Configuring a Repeater Solution
": provides step-by-step
instructions for configuring a repeater solution using a BSR-to-SPR back-to-
back Ethernet connectivity.
Chapter 11, "
Managing Bandwidth
": provides step-by-step instructions for
defining bandwidth such as Maximum Information Rate (MIR) and Committed
Information Rate (CIR).
Chapter 12, "
Defining Static Routes
": provides step-by-step instructions for
defining static routes such as from BSR to SPR, and default gateways.
Chapter 13, "
Defining Virtual Ports
": provides step-by-step instructions for
defining virtual interface ports (i.e. IP addresses).
Chapter 14, "
Defining VLANs
": provides step-by-step instructions for defining
VLANs for the ASWipLL devices.
Chapter 15, "
Defining Air Subnets
": provides step-by-step instructions for
defining subnet addresses for the virtual ports of the
interfacing with the wireless communication path.
Chapter 16, "
Defining ASWipLL as a DHCP Relay Agent
": provides a step-
by-step instruction for defining ASWipLL as a DHCP relay agent.
Airspan Networks Inc.