M an ag ing Trap s
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
25.4. Showing the Traps Pane
The Traps pane displays traps that are saved and not saved in the database.
To view the Traps pane:
In the WipManage main window, from the View menu, choose
Traps Pane
Traps pane
25-4: Traps pane displaying traps
The Traps pane displays traps in the following format:
Traps that are saved in the DB appear with an index number, e.g. "2"
Traps not saved in the DB appear with a number sign (#) alongside the index
number, e.g. "#2"
Traps from a previous WipManage session and not saved in the DB appear
with "Old" alongside the index number, e.g. "Old 2"
Airspan Networks Inc.