D ef in ing S ecu r it y
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
23.6. Defining IntraComm Gateways
WipManage allows you to assign IP filtering for communication among SPRs using
third-party external routers. The figure below illustrates gateways per SPR (referred
to in WipManage as
IntraComm Gateway
23-23: Example of IntraComm Gateway feature (gateways per SPR)
In this setup, the BSR relays traffic to the appropriate gateway according to the SPR
index number, regardless of the VLAN to which the traffic belongs. For example, in
the figure above,
SPR #1
is routed to
Gateway #
1, and
SPR #2
is routed to
Gateway #2
, despite the fact that both
SPR #1
SPR #2
belong to the same
VLAN (i.e.
Airspan Networks Inc.