Flowing reference gas
Gas inlet conditions as for sample gas
Test gases
Zero-point calibration
Nitrogen or air or IR sample component-free gas
End-point calibration
Calibration cells or test gas for each sample component or test gas mixture
for multiple sample components if no cross-sensitivity is present. Concen-
tration of the span gas 70 to 80 % of the final value of the larger measure-
ment range. For suppressed measurement ranges: concentration of the
span gas within the suppressed measurement range, if possible equal to the
final value.
Dew point
The dew point of the test gases must be approximately the same as the dew
point of the sample gas.
The notes for calibrating (see page 261) must be considered.
Pressure sensor
The pressure sensor is installed in the gas analyzer ex works.
The pressure sensor is located in the sample gas feed path if the internal gas
lines are executed as FPM flexible tubes. The connection of the pressure
sensor is led to the outside via an FPM hose if the internal gas lines are exe-
cuted as tubes. The connection of the pressure sensor is documented in the
pneumatic diagram contained in the analyzer data sheet.
Gas connections
see section "Uras26: Gas connections" (see page 93)