Calibration methods
Calibration method
An analyzer module (detector) can have one or more (gas) components with
one or more measurement ranges each.
To calibrate the analyzer module, establish whether the components and
ranges should be calibrated jointly or individually. This decision is based on
the calibration method configuration.
Single calibration
The analyzer module zero and end points in each measurement range are
calibrated individually for each sample component.
Single calibration has no effect on other measurement ranges for the same
sample components and on other sample components.
Single calibration is only possible and practical in the manual calibration
mode. Single calibration is required if there are skips in the readings during
measurement range switches because these indicate differences in the cali-
brations of the individual measurement ranges.
Common calibration
Only the analyzer module start and end points in one measurement range
are calibrated for each sample component. The start and end points of the
other measurement ranges are then corrected electronically on the basis of
the values established by this calibration.
A common calibration has no effect on the other sample components in the
analyzer module.
In general the start point (zero) is calibrated in the smallest measurement
range and the end point (span) is calibrated in the measurement range for
which a suitable test gas is available.
Substitute gas calibration
If test gases are not available for calibration, e.g. because they cannot be
filled in test gas cylinders or because their components are not compatible
with each other, the analyzer module can be set ex works as per order for
calibration with a substitute gas. In this case, in addition to the sample
component measurement ranges, one or several ranges are set up at the
factory for substitute gas components.
One start point and one end point are calibrated in the analyzer module’s
substitute gas measurement ranges. The start and end points of all substi-
tute gas and sample gas component ranges are then corrected electronically
on the basis of the values established by the substitute gas calibration.
Substitute gas calibration must always be used to calibrate
(sample gas
and substitute gas) components for analyzer modules
set up
for substitute
gas calibration. Single or common calibration either in the sample compo-
nent or substitute gas measurement ranges leads to erroneous analyzer
module calibration.