Basic calibration
What does the basic calibration do?
A basic calibration of an analyzer module sets the module back in an initial
state. The offset drift and amplification drift are set to zero. The drift history
is lost.
When should a basic calibration be performed?
Basic calibration of an analyzer module should be performed only in excep-
tional cases when changes that affect calibration have been made. This may
be the case e.g. after exchanging subassemblies.
For the Uras26 analyzer module, a basic calibration can be performed at the
zero point for calibration to the cooler dew point during commissioning at
the sampling point.
Check prior to a basic calibration
Prior to a basic calibration, check and ensure
That the gas analyzer is in proper operating condition
That the sample conditioning units are in proper operating condition
That the correct test gases are being used.
Test gases
The zero and/or span calibration test gases are required for a basic calibra-
Performing the basic calibration
The basic calibration is performed for each sample component or – for the
Caldos25 and Magnos27 analyzer modules – for each measurement range.
The basic calibration can be performed
Individually at the zero point
Individually at the end point, as well as
Together (successively) at the zero and end points.
A calibration reset (see page 273) is also performed in the case of common
basic calibration at the zero and end points.
Menu path
Analyzer spec. adjustm.
Basic Calibration