For the project engineering of connections, a thorough knowledge with NetPro from Sie-
mens is required! The following passage only describes the basic usage of NetPro. More
detailed information about NetPro is to be found in the according online manual res. doc-
umentation. Start NetPro by clicking on a "net" in the Siemens SIMATIC Manager or on
"connections" within the CPU.
The environment of NetPro has the following structure:
Graphic net view:
All stations and networks are displayed in a graphic view. By
clicking on the according component you may access and alter the concerning prop-
Net objects:
This area displays all available net objects in a directory view. By drag-
ging a wanted object to the net view you may include further net objects and open
them in the hardware configurator.
Connection table:
The connection table lists all connections in a table. This list is only
shown when you highlighted a connectable module like e.g. a CPU. You may insert
new connections into this table with the according command.
You receive the following graphical display for every PLC station and their component. By
selecting the single components, the context menu offers you several functions:
This includes a PLC station with rack, CPU and communication components.
Via the context menu you may configure a station added from the net objects and its
concerning components in the hardware configurator. After returning to NetPro, the
new configured components are shown.
A click onto the CPU shows the connection table. The connection table shows
all connections that are configured for the CPU.
Internal communication components:
This displays the communication components
that are available in your CPU. The PROFINET IO controller is to be configured by
the PN-IO component.
Ethernet PG/OP channel:
The internal Ethernet PG/OP channel must always be con-
figured as external CP in the hardware configuration. This CP only serves the PG/OP
communication. Configurable connections are not possible.
NetPro offers you the option to link-up the communicating stations. You may link-up the
stations via the properties in the hardware configuration or graphically via NetPro. For this
you point the mouse on the coloured net mark of the according CP and drag and drop it
to the net you want to link. Now the CP is linked up to the wanted net by means of a line.
Work environment of
PLC stations
Link-up stations
Deployment PG/OP communication - productive
Configure Siemens S7 connections
HB300 | CPU | 013-CCF0R00 | en | 16-40