All information, illustrations and technical specifications in these operating instructions are based on the latest information available at the time of publication.
We reserve the right to make design changes at any time without prior notification.
7.0. Operation
7.5. Operating the precise overseeding unit Calibration test
8. Select "OK" and confirm to save the product name.
9. Select the duration of the calibration test.
10. Turn the turn-and-push button to select the duration
of the calibration test.
11. Save the entry by pressing the turn-and-push but-
The entry will be confirmed.
The start menu for the calibration test appears.
12. Press the "Start/Stop" key or external Start/Stop but-
ton on the unit.
The calibration test will be started.
By turning the turn-and-push button
quickly to the left or right, you can skip
the countdown and the weight can be
entered or edited in the program.
The accuracy of the calibration test in-
creases with its duration and the grain
size of the material.
Fine material = Less time
Coarse material = More time