Watlow EZ-ZONE
RMC Module
Chapter 2 Install and Wire
Conventions Used in the Menu Pages
To better understand the menu pages that follow
review the naming conventions used. When encoun-
tered throughout this document, the word "default"
implies as shipped from the factory. Each page (Op-
erations, Setup, Profile and Factory) and their associ-
ated menus have identical headers defined below:
Header Name
Visually displayed infor-
mation from the control.
Parameter Name
Describes the function of
the given parameter.
Defines options available
for this prompt, i.e., min/
max values (numerical),
yes/no, etc... (further ex-
planation below).
Values as delivered from
the factory.
Modbus Relative Ad-
Identifies unique param-
eters using either the
Modbus RTU or Modbus
TCP protocols (further ex-
planation below).
CIP (Common Indus-
trial Protocol)
If used in conjunction
with an RMA module
identifies unique param-
eters using either the De-
viceNet or EtherNet/IP
protocol (further explana-
tion below).
Profibus Index
If used in conjunction
with an RMA module
identifies unique param-
eters using Profibus DP
protocol (further explana-
tion below).
Parameter ID
Identifies unique param-
eters used with other soft-
ware such as, LabVIEW.
Data Type R/W
uint = Unsigned 16 bit
dint = Signed 32-bit,
string = ASCII (8 bits
per character)
float = IEEE 754 32-bit
EPROM (saved)
et (saved)
When the RMC module is used in conjunction with
the RUI (optional equipment) visual information
from the control is displayed to the observer using a
fairly standard 7 segment display. Due to the use of
this technology, several characters displayed need
some interpretation, see the list below:
= 1
= 0
= i
= r
= 2
[a ]
= A
[j ]
= J
= S
= 3
[ h]
= b
= K
[ t]
= t
= 4
= c
= L
= u
= 5
[d ]
= d
[ m ]
= M
= v
= 6
[ e]
= E
= n
[ w ]
= W
= 7
[ f]
= F
= o
[y ]
= y
= 8
[g ]
= g
[ p]
= P
= Z
= 9
[ h]
= h
[q ]
= q
Within this column notice that on occasion there will
be numbers found within parenthesis. This number
represents the enumerated value for that particular
selection. Range selections can be made simply by
writing the enumerated value of choice using any of
the available communications protocols. As an exam-
ple, turn to the Control Module Setup Page and look
at the Analog Input menu and then the Sensor Type.
To turn the sensor off using Modbus simply write
the value of 62 (off) to register 400369 and send that
value to the control.
Communication Protocols
All modules come with the standard offering of Wat-
low's Standard Bus protocol used primarily for inter-
module communications as well as for configuration
using EZ-ZONE Configurator software (free down-
load from Watlow's web site (
Along with Standard Bus, the RMC module can also
be ordered with Modbus RTU (only one protocol can
be active at any given time). The RMA module has
options for several different protocols listed below:
- Modbus RTU 232/485
- EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP
- DeviceNet
- Profibus DP
To learn more about the RM Access module click on
the link below. Once there simply type in RM in the
Keyword field.
Modbus RTU Protocol
All Modbus registers are 16-bits and as displayed
in this manual are relative addresses (actual). Some
legacy software packages limit available Modbus reg-
isters to 40001 to 49999 (5 digits). Many applications
today require access to all available Modbus regis-
ters which range from 400001 to 465535 (6 digits).
Watlow controls support 6 digit Modbus registers.