Watlow EZ-ZONE
RMC Module
Chapter 7 Features
Lastly, when the configuration is complete click the
"Finish" button at the bottom right of the previous
screen shot. The screen that follows this action can
be seen below.
Although the RMC module now contains the configu-
ration (because the previous discussion focused on
doing the configuration on-line) it is suggested that
after the configuration process is completed that the
user save this file on the PC for future use. If for
some reason someone inadvertently changed a set-
ting without understanding the impact it would be
easy and perhaps faster to download a saved configu-
ration back to the control versus trying to figure out
what was changed.
Of course, there is an option to exit without saving a
copy to the local hard drive.
After selecting Save above, click the "Finish" button
once again. The screen below will than appear.
When saving the configuration note the location
where the file will be placed (Saved in) and enter the
file name (File name) as well. The default path for
saved files follows:
\My Documents\Watlow\EZ-ZONE CONFIGURA-
TOR\Saved Configurations
The user can save the file to any folder of choice.