C H A P T E R 3 C O N F I G U R I N G V 1 0 0
V100 Versatile Multiplexer Technical Manual Version 2.2
Page 92 of 231
This table adds a security feature to the V100 enabling the administrator to limit IP and bridge access to a
defined set of end stations. By default the table is empty and no MAC source filtering occurs – all traffic is
successfully received. As soon as a single entry is added to the table and the configuration changes are
saved, MAC source filtering is enabled. Only stations whose MAC address appears in the MAC source filter
table may access the IP and bridge services.
New entries are given a description which is used to identify the device specified by the MAC address in
the table. The Address is the device’s MAC address. In the example above, only the two devices with the
MAC addresses 08:00:31:02:22:ad and 08:ab:11:00:a2:f4 will be able to receive traffic (however
unauthorised units will still be able to receive traffic broadcast by the V100). Also, although unauthorised
units will be able to access other machines on the remote network, the embedded DHCP server will not
assign them addresses because it will not receive the DHCP request.
MAC source filter table entries affect all received Ethernet traffic including bridged, IP routed, PEP, and
telnet traffic for the local supervisor.
A diagnostic monitor mode command is provided to view statistics from the filtering.