C H A P T E R 3 C O N F I G U R I N G V 1 0 0
V100 Versatile Multiplexer Technical Manual Version 2.2
Page 80 of 231
Field Options Description
RECONFG is the same as BACKUP, but also indicates
that the active configuration is switched to the
BackUP config. This is used for selecting different
tributary properties for use in the secondary routing
environment - e.g. the secondary route may have
much less bandwidth than the primary route, and
therefore some lower priority services are not
configured in the BackUp configuration.
TOPUP, BONDING and BoD are all mechanisms for sharing the bandwidth
between separate aggregates.
TOPUP works on ISDN and DATA aggregates. TOPUP
will use the secondary link when the assigned
tributary connection rates on the first exceed the
primary link bandwidth.
BONDING works on ISDN and DATA aggregates.
BONDING provides a permanent bonded link between
the primary and secondary aggregate. IP aggregates
must have their secondary routing mode set to
BoD is used for ISDN aggregates only, and provides
a traffic monitoring dial-on-demand service. The
parameters for BoD are configured through the ISDN
menu. This is the recommended bandwidth sharing
mechanism for ISDN aggregates.
Note that more specific routes (i.e. those with specific channel and slot targets) always take precedence
over least specific routes.