C H A P T E R 3 C O N F I G U R I N G V 1 0 0
V100 Versatile Multiplexer Technical Manual Version 2.2
Page 38 of 231
Throughout the configuration of the V100, references are made to slot locations and port numbers in the
network. By convention, the syntax used is “NODE:SLOT:CHANNEL”, where NODE is the Node ID, SLOT is
a number which means the chassis (0), Option slot 1 (1), or Option Slot 2 (2) and CHANNEL is a number
which means the particular channel number within that slot. So, for example, the DB15 connector labelled
“PORT1” on the chassis of Node 3 would be indicated as “3:0:1”, or the data channel 4 on the card
plugged into Option Slot 2 would be called “3:2:4”.
The integrated IP router is considered to be in slot 0. Channels 0:10 through 0:31 are used to represent
IP tributaries.
The configuration pages list local channels only, so they begin with a simplified version just using the slot
and channel numbers, such as “0:1” and “0:2”.
The routing of voice channels is often done dynamically by decoding the DTMF dialling digits. In this case,
the destination field is simply set to “AUTO” and the route is either directly decoded from the dialled digits
or looked up in the internal directory. So, for example, if the directory number for “23:1:7” is “820”, then
when the number “820” is dialled from anywhere in the network, the telephone on channel 7 of the card
in Option Card 1 in node 23 will ring.