C H A P T E R 3 C O N F I G U R I N G V 1 0 0
V100 Versatile Multiplexer Technical Manual Version 2.2
Page 88 of 231
The parameters and options are shown in the following table:
Service Port
Domain Name,
NetBIOS Name,
NetBIOS Datagram,
Time, 37
For user entry
The DBA POOLS menu
DBA pools are used to pool available DBA-assigned bandwidth between IP tributaries that share a
common aggregate path. The pooling allows unused bandwidth from one tributary in a pool to be
assigned to other tributaries that currently have excess data routed through them. It is intended for use in
networks where IP tributaries are routed across a common broadcast aggregate, or where several IP
tributaries have been configured between two V100s and are used separately for service management. To
use the DBA pooling, the IP tributaries must be assigned to DBA pools. There are 8 DBA pools (A-H)
defined in the system. By default, no tributaries are assigned to the pools. A tributary is assigned to a pool
by giving it a priority (highest/high/medium/low/lowest) within the pool. A pool must have at least two
tributaries assigned to it for the pooling to be effective. The DBA pools menu provides the mechanism for
assigning the tributaries to pools. All available IP tributaries are listed. Tributaries may be assigned to
pools at different priorities.