3.2.2. Operation Keys
<In FNC (function setting) mode>
Confirms the selection of setting number.
Writes the setting data.
<In MONI (monitor) mode>
Switches the monitor items.
During protection operation>
Reads out the one-point traceback data.
Switches MONI mode and FNC mode.
<In FNC (function setting) mode>
Switches to MONI mode.
<In MONI (monitor) mode>
Switches to FNC mode.
<In FNC (function setting) mode
Moves the operation digit (flashing digit) one digit to
<In MONI (monitor) mode
Switches the forward rotation/reverse rotation when
the [START] or the [JOG/->] is active on the console
panel. When the reverse rotation command selection
is active, REV (LED) turns on
<In MONI (monitor) mode>
Starts operating the VF66B (DC motor drive) when the
console panel is selected in the operation
commanding place selection.
<FNC (function setting) mode>
Increases the number indicated in the selected digit by
+1 when setting the setting number and setting data.
(Numbers change in this order: “0” -> “1” -> …. -> “9”
-> “- (minus)” -> “0”)
<In MONI (monitor) mode>
Switches the monitor items.(For the details, refer to
Chapter 3 “3.2.4 How to Check Monitor Information.”)
<In FNC (function setting) mode>
Increases the number indicated in the selected digit by
-1 when setting the setting number and setting data.
(Numbers change in this order: “0” -> “- (minus)” -> “9”
-> … -> “1” -> “0”)
<In MONI (monitor) mode>
Switches the monitor items.(For the details, refer to
Chapter 3 “3.2.4 How to Check Monitor Information.”)
<In FNC (function setting) mode
Moves the operation digit (flashing digit) one digit to
<In MONI (monitor) mode>
Starts operating the VF66B (DC motor drive) when
console panel is selected in the JOG commanding
place selection.
Stops the VF66B (DC motor drive) while
operating with the [START] key on the console
panel. Resets the protection operation during the
protection operation.