Macro Error Code 1
(16 bit)
Macro Error Opcode
(8 bit)
Macro Error Status
(4 bit)
Macro Exec Status
(4 bit)
Macro Error Code 2
(32 bit)
Macro Status
Register #0
0xF0 to 0xF3
Macro Status
Register #1
0xF4 to 0xF7
Design Details
SBAU337 – May 2020
Copyright © 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Macro command response
The microcontroller on completion of the Macro command, updates the status registers (including result
data) and optionally raises an interrupt. There are status words allocated for different purposes as
described below. Macro Status Registers
Two 32-bit registers are provided to get Status from the AFE79xx. These contain different Status fields
and information to help debug (Error-Status, Extended Error code). In addition to this, 18 x 32-bit registers
(Macro Result) are allocated for results and contain the results from the Macros. Each of these registers is
32 bits in length, and hence corresponds to 4 SPI reads (explicit addressed mode or burst mode).
Figure 1-9. Fields within Macro Status Registers Macro Execution Status
The Macro Execution Status field has following sub-fields:
[Bit 0] MACRO_READY: Value of 1 means that the device is ready to accept a new macro command.
[Bit 1] MACRO_ACK: Value of 1 means that the last macro issued has been received and recognized by
the device.
[Bit 2] MACRO_DONE: Value of 1 means that the microcontroller has finished executing the previous
[Bit 3] MACRO_ERROR: Value of 1 means that the last macro issued to the device had an error.
Each Macro execution normally goes through these three states.