Edit Menu
DG2030 User Manual
Deletes the sequence step at the position of the line pointer.
Delete a sequence step
Bottom button
Popup menu
Side button
Make Sequence
Move the cursor to the line where the step is to be deleted using the general purpose knob.
Sets the block repeat count for the step at the position of the line pointer.
Set the block repeat count for the step
Bottom button
Popup menu
Side button
Make Sequence
Move the cursor to the line where the repeat count is to be set using the general purpose knob.
Repeat Count
(set the repeat count)
Sets up the sequence control options that become valid when the instrument is in
enhanced mode. See the SETUP
Run Mode
Enhanced for the enhanced
Sub Menu
Trig Wait
When set to ON, data output stops when the specified sequence
position is reached and the instrument waits for a trigger input.
Event Jump
When set to ON, if an event occurs during output of the specified line,
control jumpsto the set line.
Jump to
Specifiesthe jump destination (line number) for the Event Jump
When Count isselected, that block isrepeated the number of times
specified by the Repeat Count setting. When Infinite is selected, the
block isrepeated indefinitely.
Repeat Count
Set Enhanced Control
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