Edit Menu
DG2030 User Manual
Knob Icon
Cursor Value
Point Cursor
Editing Area Cursor
Width Value
Figure 3Ć18: Edit area
The location or range that the editing operation applies to is set as follows:
Point Position Input. The range is determined by the Width value. To set the
width value, move the knob icon to the Width value display by pressing the
front panel CURSOR button. Then enter the value with the general purpose
knob or the numeric keys.
To set the position move the knob icon next to the Cursor position display
by pressing the front panel CURSOR button. Then enter the value with the
general purpose knob or the numeric keys.
Group/bit Input. The groups or bits to be included in the range are set using
the Execute Action
Set scope item.
Bottom button
Popup menu
Side button
Execute Action
Select Set scope.
Determine the scope.
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