Edit Menu
DG2030 User Manual
Table and Binary.
In the table and binary displays you can rotate data using any of
the following:
Rotate up
Rotate down
The cursor becomes the area cursor. The data inside the editing area is rotated by
one point up or down. Data that overflows the editing area cycles around and is
added to the top or bottom of the edit area.
If Rotate region up/down is selected when the Select arrow key function item
is selected in the Settings menu, data can be rotated to the up or down with the
arrow buttons.
Table 3-9 and Figure 3-36 present descriptions and examples of the standard
pattern data.
Table 3Ć9: Standard pattern data descriptions
Standard pattern data
Binary up counter
Createsa binary up counter data pattern. The cursor becomesthe
area cursor. The number of bitsin the counter isthe total number
of bits in the group set up with the Set scope item in the Execute
Action menu. When Binary up counter is selected, the instrument
asks for the Points/Step value. This value sets the number of data
pointsper counter step. When the counter reachesitsmaximum
value, the value returnsto 0 and it repeatsthe countĆup operation.
Binary down counter
The use is the same as Binary up counter. The action is the same
except that a binary down counter iscreated., and when the
counter reaches0, the value returnsto itsmaximum value and it
repeatsthe countĆdown operation.
Johnson counter
Createsa Johnson counter data pattern. When thismenu item is
selected, the instrument asks for the Points/Step value. This value
setsthe number of data pointsper counter step.
Graycode counter
Createsa Gray code counter data pattern. When thismenu item is
selected, the instrument asks for the Points/Step value. This value
setsthe number of data pointsper counter step.
Creating Standard Pattern
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