Edit Menu
DG2030 User Manual
Figure 3Ć4: Import Configuration Menu (File format: AWG2000 series waveform file)
Table 3-3 describes the input parameters.
Table 3Ć3: Import parameters
Setsthe place where the readĆin data isto be written. Either Pattern
memory or the Paste buffer can be selected. If data is read into the
paste buffer, data can be pasted to the data bit specified by the Paste
item in the Execute Action menu.
Read Point(s)
Setsthe number of data pointsto be read. Data in excessof the
specified memory size cannot be read in.
Source Start
Specifies the starting position from which the data is read in from the
Source MSB
Specifiesthe position of the MSB from which data in the file will be
Dest Start
Specifiesthe position which data isread in when pattern memory isthe
Dest MSB
Specifiesthe position of the MSB to which data will be written when
pattern memory isthe destination.
Read type
Setsthe data readĆin method when pattern memory isthe destination.
Either Insert or Overwrite can be selected.
Convert to Bin
When thissetting isset to ON, the waveform iscompared to a
threshold level and the data is converted to binary. RP binary data from
the Tektronix TDS and TLS seriesproductsare read in asRI data. The
data cannot be converted to binary data if it isleft in the RP state.
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