Before recording the cogging torque compensation table, a special configuration of the drive is required. This
is done automatically, but can also be executed manually. When the recording is finished, this configuration
is discarded and the old values are restored. Automatic recording
This is the recommended default option that will do the procedure automatically. It uses a mathematical
model of the electromechanical system obtained during the system identification to tune the controller. This
procedure might take up to 3 minutes.
After setting up the drive and successfully executing the system identification, enter the menu item
“Configuration” and select “Cogging Torque Compensation”.
To use the automatic recording, simply click on “Start Recording”
During the recording routine the motor will do several turns. Testing the compensation table
Once the recording is finished, the values are stored on the Drive. In the OBLAC Drives GUI the feature is
disabled and can now be tested manually:
1. Slide the switch to TESTING ENABLED
2. Turn the shaft manually, you will feel the torque ripples.
3. Set the cogging torque compensation feature to ENABLED
4. Turn the shaft again manually and feel the difference Manual configuration for the cogging recording
This option should be used when the performance of the auto-tuning is not satisfactory. In this case, the user
should manually configure and tune the system. When the cogging torque compensation recording is
triggered, the system will just use the current configuration.
Manually preparing the system for the cogging torque compensation recording:
1. An encoder on the motor shaft has to be used for the cogging torque compensation table recording. Set
the function of this encoder to “Commutation and motion control”. This is done in the setup wizard.
Synapticon Documentation
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.19.0 | Built 2022-02-01