can bypass the position controller.
A desired offset torque can be added to the reference torque.
An additional velocity offset can be used to improve the positioning performance.
Digital filters can be used to remove unwanted frequencies such as noise or nonlinear
Position and Velocity Feedback Low-pass filters
Torque loop input shaping filter
Command smoothing and Interpolation
Successive setpoints can be smoothed, so that low
command resolution and jitter have a reduced effect on the control.
Allows to supervise the work of the control loops
Allows to synchronize the system time for enhanced performance.
Offers commands that can’t be executed by single SDO operations.
The object dictionary is defined in IEC 61800-7-201.
A list of the entire Object Dictionary.
Objects needed for communication.
Complementary objects for enhanced performance and additional
Objects that are used by the CANopen device profile for drives and motion
control (CiA 402)
These objects are transferred cyclically to each slave.
List of outputs that are mapped in the standard configuration
of SOMANET CiA 402.
List of inputs that are mapped in the standard configuration of
Choose your own objects for the PDO mapping.
These objects describe your Drive system for internal identification.
Saving and restoring configurations
: Configurations can be saved for later use and default
configurations can be restored
Synapticon Documentation
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.19.0 | Built 2022-02-01